Traveling The World

A French historic museum taken from the canal.

A French historic museum taken from the canal.

I had a great opportunity to travel all over Europe and Israel and take some beautiful shots, which I wanted to share with all the people checking out my free wallpaper. I wanted to concentrate mostly on architecture, such as buildings, bridges, fountains, and statues. Every country has such unique styles that you can’t even compare. From the historic German architecture, which was used as landmarks in the war, to the French buildings that everyone around the world recognizes, European buildings have their own unique style!  Check out the vast collection of Belgium buildings, German buildings, French buildings, Italian buildings, British buildings, and even the Swiss buildings! Traveling the world is definitely something everyone should do in their lives. It really opens up your perception of how you live in relation to the rest of the world. In some countries, what you may consider your bedroom may be considered their living room or maybe even their entire apartment. It really helps to shed some light on how our lives compare and contrast between those around the world. Also the fact that our cultures differ so greatly is definitely something I find very interesting. Even going from one state to another in the US can change not only how people speak, but also even the way laws are interpreted. But imagine crossing the sea, how much the world really changes. I have always wondered how European countries are different from us and had the great pleasure of seeing the reality up close. I also traveled in Israel, which was one of the most amazing trips I have ever taken. I will be posting some of my adventurous around the world here. I hope to be able to travel soon to South America. I feel that their world would also differ greatly from what I call home. Can’t wait to go one day!

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