I noticed yesterday that Google has implemented a new feature into their search. Not only do ideas for search come up when you are typing, in the results or the main search element but now they are suggesting websites. I am still trying to figure out how they determine when to put a website in the search results vs. when not to. Seems like, so far, they show the brand that is the most relevant as you begin typing your query. Looks like they see certain brands, or sites that they feel are relevant to users and automatically show that before anything. I am not exactly sure how they deem something a category or type over the brand of anything. But what determines a brand? I started typing eugenef.com and I did not get the same link that I would get by typing Aldo or Amazon, why? Is this based on traffic? Yet If I am trying to type in the URL of my competitors they do not show the list in the order that they would when you receive the results. Going to do some digging and figure out this interesting new implementation. I wonder how this will affect my traffic and if this will push me down or up because of the fact that Google does not see me as a brand. I also wonder if it deems a brand as someone who is advertising with them constantly through AdWords? This is something to really consider since that is where they get the most amount of revenue. Yes they have a separation of church and state, but may they be thinking about their advertisers over their users? Not sure. Please don’t forget to check out some of the new categories I have implemented such as beach wallpaper, flowers wallpaper, buildings, and even some color British buildings.
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